Monday, January 10, 2011

Seen A Good Movie?

What make a good movie? Well to some, a good movie consists of all sorts of elements. To the hoity toity critic, they get into such things as cinematography, imagery, symbolism, and how all that expresses the meaning life. Well, that’s all well and good for them, but I’m a simple guy looking for simple things. To me, a good movie consists of four elements: a good story, good acting, an emotional connection to the audience, and entertainment.

A good story is straight up and to the point. It means dialogue that makes sense that you don’t have to be an existentialist to figure out what the character is saying. I made sound a little prudish here, but for me, that’s why I do not like foreign films. I know too some that is being blasphemous, but I don’t pay hard earned cash to read words on the movie screen. If I want to read a story, I’ll get a book. I want to just sit back, relax, and have the story told to me. I want to lounge around on my couch and have the story unfold right before my eyes, so that I don’t have to guess what the message was or what certain things mean. I’m not deep. I’m just simple.
Good acting to me is whether these high priced actors and actresses really believe they are the person they are portraying. Sometimes these producers and directors get these overpriced shmohs for name value alone and don’t take the time to wonder if this person can play the part. A perfect example is Seth Rogen playing the Green Hornet. I’m sorry, but that is just a bad combo. But Rogen is an up and coming actor, he will draw the crowd. But for the die-hard Hornet fans, like me, it is a major disappointment. The actor has to fit the characteristics in order to convince the audience. He has to have the look for the character. Rogen doesn’t have the look to pull off The Green Hornet. I maybe wrong, but I’m willing to put money on it that.
Seth Rogen
Now some may think I am off my rocker, but I think Pierce Brosnan was a very good James Bond. He was English, dark haired, debonair, suave, and sophisticated, He had the look. Now Daniel Craig… to make it plain and simple…No, he didn’t work for me, which is probably one of the reasons why this long time franchise might be coming to an end. If they ever want to revamp the Bond character, don’t change the characteristics of the super spy that audiences have known and loved for so many years.

Pierce Brosnan and Daniel Craig

To reach an audience, the movie has to have that emotional connectedness. The movie has to reach into the person’s soul where the individual does not dare get up from their seat to get snacks or go to the bathroom. OK, go to the bathroom, but you get the idea. When a movie’s intention makes an audience cheer or cry, they got them. The film has served its purpose. Not trying to sound like Bill Murray from Stripes, but how many people cried when they shot Old Yeller? How many people cheered when Rocky Balboa won the fight? I know when I watched Schindler’s List; the movie grabbed me with all the brutality it portrayed and made me cry at the final scene. If you want to see an excellent example of a movie emotionally grabbing an audience, see Schindler’s List and also The Passion of The Christ.

What’s lacking in a lot of movies these days is the basic element of entertainment. Does the film take you to someplace that helps you get away from your everyday life? If you’re watching a period film, does it take you back to that place and time for that brief two hour stint? If you’re going to see a comedy, do the scenes, dialogues, what have you make you laugh? To me, movie makers have forgotten what movies were made for to begin with, and that is escapism. People want to escape into the movie screen or television. They want to solve the crime with the master detective. They want to be a part of historical accounts. They want to soar into space on the mighty space ship. It’s all about escapism. Nowadays, movies are being made to convert the Hollywood way of thinking to the general population. If you noticed, there has to be one gay character somewhere or convey a message to spout out their political beliefs. Where’s the entertainment value? Where’s the escapism?
Well that’s what I am going to try and find as I look through a barrage of movies and post my comments on them right here on my blog. I’ll try to keep up with it as best as I can until then, THAT’S A WRAP!

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